This is the observation drawn up by the Observatory of Parenting and Digital Education (Open) and the parents’ association Unaf. In a study carried out by the Ipsos institute and Google France, 44% of parents admit that the consumption of screens
77% of parents and 62% of children believe they spend too much time in front of their screens. And for 70% of the former, 55% of the latter, this is likely to continue.
But this time must still be used wisely and safely. And for this, the involvement of parents and children is essential.
According to the Open study, 56% of parents surveyed have an ambivalent approach to the Internet, perceived as an opportunity and a danger for their child, particularly in the face of cyberbullying (49%), meeting strangers (43%) or risks of child dependency (51%). But they do not necessarily see other risks such as prolonged time on screens (23%) or exposure to unsuitable content (31%).
Nearly one in two parents surveyed do not feel sufficiently well informed or prepared to regulate their child’s screen consumption. They rely for this on their family (49%), teachers (41%) or friends (23%) when solutions are at hand.
Parents recognize that they no longer really know how much time their child actually spends on their device and that is the problem:
First, of course, is the Family Link app , available on Android and iOS. It allows parents and children in consultation to define the framework for using a smartphone or tablet (limited duration of use, device locking time, list of accessible or prohibited sites, apps authorised, geolocation, etc.).
It will thus make it possible to monitor the screen time of the child from the parent’s smartphone or the web version of the service. It’s a kind of parental control to reassure some and supervise others with some freedom all the same.
It is also extremely simple to block channels or videos that cannot be displayed on the child’s profile according to their age, to have access to their viewing history. Similarly, you can deactivate the search tool so that it only has access to the videos that you have previously selected.
Some tablets such as the Lenovo Yoga Tab 13 , P11 or M7 and M8 series, the Nokia T20 offer a space called Kids Space . It is actually a safe and child-friendly environment.
Behind this site, which is not necessarily easy to find in the myriad of Google services, there is an extremely clever concept to make young Internet users aware of online dangers.
Named Interland , it is an extremely playful site where each islet is a kind of world to be discovered around sensitive points: The Kingdom of Kindness to know how to behave well online, The River of Reality to avoid pitfalls , The Mountain of Caution to learn how to be careful with shared information or The Tower of Treasures around data protection against hackers.